Enough Excuses. It's Time to Build Your Empire!

If you're tackling debt or aiming to build wealth, we have the tools and support you need. From DIY resources to personalized 1:1 coaching, we're here to help you achieve your financial goals.



At Wealthy Women Coaching, we are passionate about helping you achieve your optimal state of financial health and well-being. Our coaching services are designed exclusively for women who want to take charge of their financial futures.


Personalized Guidance

Hi! My name is Marla Osner,

book a one-on-one consultation tailored to your unique needs and goals, ensuring a personalized and effective financial plan.

Explore Our Financial Coaching Services

Take Control Of Your money, So You Can Achieve Your Dreams Personally, Professionally, And Financially

Personalized 1:1 Coaching

Uncover your unique financial strengths and challenges, and receive expert guidance tailored to your specific needs

Debt Crusher Academy

A 6-week group coaching program that empowers individuals to take control of their financial future and eliminate debt.

Savvy Saver's School

Join our group coaching program to gain valuable financial skills and mindset to master your money and secure your financial future.

Wisdom And Wealth Society

In this 8-week program, you'll gain financial wisdom, build wealth, and connect with like-minded peers for financial success.

Explore Our Financial Coaching Services

Take Control Of Your money, So You Can Achieve Your Dreams Personally, Professionally, And Financially

Wealth 360

1:1 Support

Uncover your unique financial strengths and challenges, and receive expert guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Review 90 days of statements

Find the leaky holes in your spending

Customized Debt Repayment Plan

Customized Savings Plan

Customized Budget and more!


The Membership

  • Bi-Weekly Group Sessions

  • Budgeting, debt management, money management

  • How to negotiate debt, credit card interest rates and more

  • Basics of savings, generational mindset around money, avoiding getting back into debt and more.


Self-Paced Resources

Debt Crusher Tool Kit

Coming Soon:

Car Buying Negotiations 101: how to get the best deal on your car purchase!

Money and Marriage: The hard questions to discuss before marriage, and how to discuss after marriage!

Money and your Teen: How to help your kids get off on the right foot with their finances, setting them up for success early!

Get Access

Corporate Employee Financial Mentoring

You are an incredible business owner who wants to support your team with their finances, as part of your employee benefits package you offer yearly financial seminars so your employees can focus on work instead of crushing financial challenges! Win-Win for everyone!

Learn More Here

Teen & Parent Financial Literacy Course


Relationships & Money


What Are Our Clients Saying ?


C.A. Newly Single mom and business owner

I was a little freaked out but ultimately feel so empowered! I appreciate your patience given how up in the air things are. I went ahead an opened bank accounts for the kids right after we talked! I also checked out setting up the kids for retirement by starting now, my mind is blown! I am starting financial conversations with them now so they have a solid foundation. Thank you!"


B.E. Wife, Mom, and now budding entrepreneur!

I took your advice and flew somewhere on my own. I spent a lot of time that weekend self reflecting and I feel like I shed a whole new skin that I didn't know I had. My confidence and belief in myself has soared.


D.D. Wife, Mom, Nurse Practitioner, new home owner!

I am so grateful you encouraged me to refinance the car. I saved over 2% on interest. I was able to put that payment toward my credit card and pay it off in half the time. Now we moved into our dream home and have a plan for continuing to budget effectively.


M.M. Single, Nurse, Dog Mom

I cannot believe how much I was able to save negotiating with my creditors. In less than one year I was able to pay off $15k in bills, trade in my junker for a safe vehicle with in my budget, and save over $20k. I could not have done this with out the guidance and cheer leading you offered. Thank you so much!


J.M- Signed a bad car lease and needed guidance

Marla, Thank you sooooooo much for all of this information. I am beyond grateful to you and your husbands time. I really needed this exact help. I will start with all of the contacts you sent me and reference all of the information we spoke about. Thank you again so much!

Meet Marla, Founder of

Wealthy Women Coaching

My Story:

Life had thrown me a series of challenges that seemed insurmountable. I faced divorce, staggering debt, the tragic loss of a child, and the struggles of being a single mom working in an unfulfilling job.

But I refused to let my circumstances define me. Instead, I chose to rise above and take control of my life. I embarked on a transformative journey that would ultimately lead me to financial freedom and improved health and wellness.

My journey taught me the incredible power of a mindset. I learned that shifting my perspective and believing in myself were essential to overcoming obstacles and achieving success. As I faced each challenge head-on, I cultivated resilience and self-confidence that fueled my determination and growth.

Marla Osner, Founder of Wealthy Women Coaching


The Money Savings Playbook

An Easy To Follow Savings Guide for the Non-financial Savvy Woman